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Handling Tapware in Bathroom Renovation

A bathroom renovation project is a big one with so many essential parts to repair and get back to excellent shape. One crucial part is your tapware that represents the beauty and efficiency of the water system in your bathroom. At the same time, it expects a high level of quality output but only affords a short window period to execute the project. By implication, you need to spend quality time planning it before starting the execution of the renovation project.

This article begins to pull information and helpful tips together about what you need to know when handling a renovation project. Remember that the renovation of an exterior part of a home is different from the renovation of a home interior. In other words, you cannot assume that the same strategy worked for repairing the walls of a home and interior finishes.

As a result, you need an expert pair of eyes to look at the renovation design and review the plans. Moreover, it would help if you had professional advice on how to begin the project to avoid spoilage of essential parts while renovating. At the same time, we have combined some clear dos and don’ts of creating the correct type of bathroom that fits your renovation needs.

Meanwhile, before the project begins, you may want to ask the exact purpose of the renovation. Setting this goal will guide your activities to achieving the goal.

Bathroom Renovation Tips

Plan your Budget ahead of time

It is a poor project management culture not to set a clear budget with all the expenditure details. Therefore, after renovating your bathroom, the first thing to do is to determine how much you intend to spend on the project. In this preparation, include all products to be bought and their exact or projected prices in the market.

In addition, add the labor costs, including workers and supervisors, from the start of the renovation project to the finish. Meanwhile, you may want to add some extra funds to buffer for some unexpected situations along the way. At the same time, carry your tradesman along with all the budget planning and let them make inputs. Your plan should also include the disbursement rate and a need to make any deposit before the project execution begins. These factors ensure that your finances are safe and perfectly fit, which is what you need.

Make plans for proper lighting and ventilation

When renovating your bathroom fittings, including tapware, ensure you make provision for adequate lighting and ventilation. A wrong choice of this renovation without considering these factors can make or break the success of your renovation project. Meanwhile, the decision to make room for ventilation and lighting is a factor to view from the beginning.

For instance, poor lighting may bring about shadows or cause a clinical feel in the bathroom that you don’t want. In addition, a wrong ventilation choice can also lead to some lack of comfort in the bathroom. Therefore, Tile and Bath Co has classic tapware and interior fittings that provide your bathroom’s adequate ventilation after renovation. Meanwhile, we give you recommended areas where you can site your lighting features.

Avoid moving Plumbing fixtures, If possible

Tampering with the existing plumbing fixture behind the wall is one sure way to hike your renovation cost quickly. So, as much as possible, avoid moving the plumbing fixtures set behind the wall and covered. Meanwhile, it would help to meet with your expert team to ensure another way to get things done without touching the plumbing works.

Moreover, there is usually a way to properly create the best bathroom of your dreams to maximize the existing space. If the problem is not a complete repair of the plumbing components that may be hidden, a regular renovation is more of a replacement and upgrade of efficiency. So, there may not be a need to tamper with the hidden parts.

Choose a style that you will continue to love

What is the essence of renovation if you will not keep on loving this work? Many years down the line, you need to keep seeing the items in your bathroom renovation, including your tapware, and fall in love. Meanwhile, it is an excellent idea if you can carefully pick all your fittings yourself, mainly if they have a similar finish on them. You must ensure that the components in the bathroom look as cohesive as possible.

Moreover, if there is a need to choose one item different from the other interior parts of the bathroom, choose the right tapware. In addition, you want to make a statement with the modern tapware outfits in your bathroom. These choices can go a long way to attract everyone that walks in there to ‘wow’ at the collection.

Buy from trusted Australian Tapware retailers

You need to purchase your choice of products from trusted retailers in Sydney when renovating your bathrooms. There is a temptation to buy cheaper products from other less trusted retailers. Nevertheless, eventually, the cost of maintaining these items may prove costlier. In addition, it may also not be easy to convert these poor-quality materials into a high level of product.

At the same time, the products from other countries may not have what it takes to fit the needs in other countries. For instance, the Australian environment requires materials that can withstand coastal conditions. This area is associated with their special weather conditions. Moreover, when buying these tapware items, ensure you get a warranty and no hidden costs.


Finally, ensure that you allow enough time for the renovation process of your bathroom. An important reason is to ensure that all the repaired parts are in excellent shape before restarting use. Meanwhile, if there is any improvised part, you may have to test that the improvisation works well before subjecting it to intense use. In addition, you need a professional designer and tradesman throughout the process of your renovation.

Five Important Factors to consider for Coastal Homes

Statistically, about 80% of all homes in Australia are along the coast, so it becomes imminent to know all there is to be about setting up homes in the coastal region. Meanwhile, the coastal homes contain interior parts such as tapware for the kitchen, bathroom, and other places. In one way, we must identify that the coastal regions primarily add exceptional beauty and functionality to the environment. However, besides the features that you enjoy in the natural environment, you may also want to consider certain extreme conditions.

Therefore, this article focuses on the design of coastal homes and the crucial factors you must consider. In addition, coastal homes create an environment of incredible views, indoor/outdoor living, as well as clean air oozing from the beach. Following these benefits are also challenges that make it essential to put appropriate measures in place. Kindly follow the five most important factors that can guide your choice of a coastal home in Australia.

Always Consider the Wind Patterns

Starting from the external parts of the home, the walls, doors, windows, and other similar parts require a level of consideration for wind. In other words, you cannot assume that the effect of current in a non-coastal area will be the same as setting up homes in coastal areas. Therefore, without careful consideration of wind, the house may suffer some serious havoc. Meanwhile, the force of the wind on the surface of the constructed building is the Wind Load.

In addition, it is essential to select the site where you intend to locate your home and the surrounding landscape. In the same way, the pattern of the wind should influence the way to set the home. Also, you may set up windbreaks to reduce the effect of the wind. Other houses and trees can serve the purpose of protective windbreaks. Another way to ensure safety is to set the house at an angle that deflects the brunt of the wind in one way.

Minimize any Possible Water Damage

Often, builders focus more on the will to site the home as close as possible to the ocean. Nevertheless, that temptation is not without a fault of its own. However, you can minimize the risks by considering some overhangs on the home roof or sitting in fewer windows. On the other hand, you may also need to watch out for sitting homes in flood zones. This disadvantage is often brought to the fore when the house is too close to the shoreline.

The dangers of closeness to the shoreline are also high tides, storm surges, and cold waves. Meanwhile, you may find out that the building is located in a storm tide or flood-prone area. You should set up a habitable floor level as high as possible from the ground in such a case. You can also set air conditioning or hot water systems in high positions to prevent damage or flooding on the home interior.

Part of the water systems must contain the right choice of Meir tapware in the bathroom or kitchen. In addition, you should choose tiles over carpets because tiles are usually water-resistant and durable. More so, it is much easier to clean tiles when a flood happens than to deal with carpets.

Mitigate Corrosion of materials

When it comes to the effect of Corrosion, the first interior components that come to mind are the tapware materials. For coastal homes, the number one cause of Corrosion is the touch of saltwater on this tapware. In other words, salt can become very destructive to your tapware when you build alongside the coastline. Often, these often insoluble salts remain on the surfaces of the materials. It could also gather on the surface of window frames, railings, and other internal parts.

Bear in mind that the more these salts gather with moisture over the metallic surface of your home, the greater the tendency to rust. And the tapware characters are often and at significant risk of such reactions. So, a less sensitive material as the tapware finish is stainless steel resistant to Corrosion. Moreover, the internal fixtures of your home require a material that can withstand this effect for a long time to come.

Therefore, you need to consider the quality and grade of the tapware material. In this case, the most common grade of stainless steel is the 304, which is now employed in ideal house fixtures such as modern tapware in Australia. In addition, you should prevent the seawater that contains salt from remaining on your interior surfaces so that it does not get to the underlying material. Otherwise, it affects the longevity of the tapware and the functionality of the same.

Get quality materials and professional installers

We cannot undermine the need to buy the best materials that befit your home and get a professional to fix them. While it is crucial to weigh one’s options well in sitting home along the coastal line, it is equally important to buy quality materials. For one, the cost of maintenance when quality materials are not in place from the start is too high. Therefore, do not compromise on used material at the site. Otherwise, the price may be too high.

On the other hand, not all components of the interior home, such as the tapware, can follow a DIY approach. At times, you need to consult and employ a professional plumber and engineer to fix all the components in the best way they can be.

Ongoing Maintenance

After setting up your home on the coastline, you should not forget to plan for maintenance of the building. Otherwise, even after taking all the necessary precautions in selecting the suitable material, a poor maintenance culture can still sabotage your effort. Therefore, there’s a need to regularly maintain this facility, starting from frequent wiping the tapware surfaces with clean and dry clothing.

The essence of the cleaning is to be sure that no sand, seawater, or salty material gets to the surface and remains there. In addition, you may also have to wash exterior walls, windows, and doors almost every six months. Moreover, this regular washing eventually prevents to need for a costly repair in the future.


On a final note, check out some of the tapware items on display at Tile and Bath Co to see how we can meet your needs. In addition, you can also chat with us live to take your order and give you the best material for your home setting.